Saturday, November 26, 2011


Fira here. Yeah, so I haven't posted in a while. You got a problem with that? Well I just decided to say we're still alive, and we (I) are (am) working on Emerald, and me, just Fira, have also started a new story called Celadon. If you want the link...well email me. Well no, don't. Just see this blog. That's my main one yeah.
See ya, peeps.

Friday, October 29, 2010

A Happy Birthday to Someone Who Doesn't Look at This

Happy Birthday Aqua!!!!
I just wish you would actually look at this once in while. To those of you who know her and her name personally, then you better wish her before she... does nothing, I guess.
Well, anyway,because no one listens, I have nothing to talk about.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay, I'm kind of like hopping  mad right now. I don't get what's so hard to understand in COMMENT or EMAIL ME. Well, that's all I can say until people start participating, so bye!

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Anyway, while people are still figuring things out, I'll go on with what the blog is about. It's about the life of Fira Marine (me :D), not about giving pop quizes. :D.
So here it goes. 
Yesterday, I was so bored, and sadly I didn't do my homework, so I'll have to do it all this weekend. :( . Instead, I was reading the story I'm writing with Aqua, 'cuz sometimes, you know, you read what you've written to make sure it isn't all rubbish. So I was reading it, and chatting with my friend, and then (gasp) it was getting late, so I decided to stop (because there was too much for one day) and go play outside with my friends.
That's pretty much it.
Anyway, I dragged that into this post so that what I'm about to say next will flow a little better. I just wanted to talk about my story in this post. 
Starting soon, when I get this all up and running properly, I'm going to do something. (gasp again). I will start informing you on what's going on in the story. Not telling many details though, because I don't want you knowing what the story is about, of course. Unless I've already told you.
First, I will start out with a summary that is usually at the back of books, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, and that's good, because I'm not exactly sure what I'm talking about at the moment.
Wait a few moments so I can remember what I was about to tell you.

  *               *               *

Okay, I remember. So after that summary thing, I will put in small captions of the story (things that wont say exactly whats going on) to inform you on like how much tension or something that's going on, I guess.
I'm doing this because, well, someone's life when nothing's going on in their life can be pretty boring, you know.
Oh, talking about my life, I have to tell you something.
So you know how yesterday, for 5 dollars, there was that inflatible thing in school if you didn't sell at least 3 magazines? (Well, some of you don't because you don't go to my school). Well, ya. So I went in the jumpy one where you could fight with those sticks with two of my friends, but these two guys also came in because I think it was 5 at a time or something. So my friends and I didn't want to fight, but those two guys did, so they did and we jumped. 
Then one of those weirdos fell on my leg really hard and didn't even say sorry and went back to fighting. When I stood up, I couldn't put any weight on my foot. After a few minutes I could walk, but it hurt.
That is why I'm scared of my ballet today because it hurts even now.
Oh, wow, look at the time, I'm going to be late. 

Friday, October 15, 2010


Look, it doesn't seem like anyone is reading this, so as a test, (oh no, a pop quiz!) you have to email me. THE FIRA MARINE ACCOUNT FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T EMAIL HER OFTEN.
 Anyway, bye!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Okay, I've had a few people tell me that they tried to comment but they couldn't, so can everyone try it so that I can find out exactly who can and who can't. I am trying to work on this, so just wait if you can't. Don't bug me. :) I want you to email me ONCE telling me whether you can or cannot post a comment. You know which email I'm talking about. If I see any on my other one, then I won't be too happy. (Angry glare :D ) I'll email you when I figure out what's going on.
Bye! BTW this is Fira speaking. Aqua hasn't made an appearance on the blog yet.